
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Harsh Words in John 8:21-30

Reflection from The Word Among Us on being admonished:

"How would you respond if Jesus told you what he told the Jews? 'You will die in your sin. I have much to say about you in condemnation.' You might be more than a little offended by such talk. But John tells us that to at least some people his words had the opposite affect - 'As he was saying these things, many believed in him' (John 8:30).

It may not be apparent, but Jesus' heart was filled with compassion when he spoke this way. He could see through their self-deception, and the truth of his words penetrated them with divine power. Lent may not always be a comfortable time. We may hear Jesus ask 'Have you loved as much as you should? Have you been more concerned with your own comfort than you have cared about others? Have you spent time with me in prayer?' If we are open to the Holy Spirit, when Jesus points out our sins and failings we won't hear words of criticism but words of encouragement that give us the power to change. Let's decide to listen to Jesus still, small voice. He speaks to us because he wants us to become like him, not to condemn us."

Let's also stay open-minded to each other. We obviously all don't have perfect advice like Jesus would, but it's important to realize that as friends we should listen carefully and consider what we have to say to each other, even when it's critical, because it is offered in love. I think that a friend who stays quiet while you make a big mistake because he/she does not want to hurt your feelings is not being an effective friend.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dinner Sunday 3/25

Please check your email for an invitation to my house for dinner this Sunday. Remember kids are always welcome at my house.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm having one of my occasional periods when I feel distant from God. Prayer feels unproductive, "cold", and my mind is only on my earthly concerns. Do some of you guys get that way sometimes? How do you break out of it? I certainly still love the Lord dearly, and am very grateful for all His blessings and challenges. I know He isn't ignoring me. Please comment so I know this is still a live blog.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Who touched me?

Since we are talking about risk tomorrow night, I thought I would share this commentary about the woman who touched Jesus cloak in Luke Chapter 8:

"The woman was declared unclean by society. When Jesus passes by, the woman comes up behind and touches his cloak. 'If I just touch him, I will be cured' she thinks. Jesus stops in his tracks and asks 'Who touched me'? The woman is caught. She knows she is unclean, ostracized by righteous holy men. Jesus might yell at her for making him unclean too. But it's too late. She approaches Jesus in fear and trembling.

What happens next is astonishing. Jesus affirms her, loves her, and gives her back her dignity. 'Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured'. Jesus does not want to be a magician. Rather, he desires a personal relationship with every human being who ever lived. He is not some impersonal god or a healing machine. He is a human being who wants to look us in the eye, love us, and be loved by us. He wants to know us as his daughters and sons. He wants to save each one of us individually, with his own personal touch, so that we might live with him in peace forever. In light of his radical personalism, his question makes sense. In asking 'Who touched me?', he wants to know who is close to him, who wants him, who is being healed by him.

When we touch Jesus, he turns around and asks us to identify ourselves, tell our stories, and get to know him. He heals us, but he wants more. He wants our companionship, our presence, our love. The Gospel invoites us to tell him, as did the heroic woman, when we touch him, how he is healing us, and who we are. If we dare, we will not be disappointed"

Taken for "The Questions of Jesus" by John Dear.

Monday, March 05, 2007

no one reads this, so i can post anything

here's a question - since your separation/divorce, are you more or less affectionate and loving than before? why? and what do you think about it?